Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Living Truthfully , Readings from Sangha on August 5th and August 12th

For Gandhi, Truth was not a concept, but was a way of life.

Mahatma Gandhi's life exemplifies the power and possibilities of practicing Dharma (living truthfully). Experiencing the injustice of racial prejudice, Gandhi saw that moral and political injustice were based on ignorance of the sacredness and unity of life. He became convinced that it is not enough for the individual merely to do good, but that we had a duty to actively face evil. A duty to practice the truth... that life is sacred. A duty to affirm the dignity of life and honor the sacred in all creation.

Gandhi hurled himself into the battlefield of life. He taught satyagraha, "clinging to Truth." Truth was Ghandi's method and Truth his goal. For Gandhi, Truth was not a concept, but was a way of life. For the Mahatma (one in touch with the Oneness of Being), the means were as important as the end. His every action was based on the knowledge of the unity of all life. In a state of realization of the unity of all life, Gandhi cared for each being as his own Self.

Gandhi taught by example. He dealt with all beings in a spirit of humility with the deepest respect for their Divinity. He insisted on seeing the Divine in his most ignorant adversaries. The Truth behind his action was a profound experience for everyone whose life was touched by this Knowledge.
He described his life as "my experiments with truth." As he matured in this experiment, he came to the realization that Truth is God. In the practice of his life he experienced that as he cared for the life around him in a "truthful," unselfish way, he experienced the sacredness of all life. As he cared for people and nature in a nonviolent (Ahimsa), unexploitive way that honored the divinity of all life, he experienced a life where every relationship was service to God. Through practicing Dharma, his every action was an experience of the sacred.

Namaskar . . . Honor to the Divine within


Corinthians 13

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have no love,

I am a hollow-sounding horn or a nerve-wracking rattle.

And though I have the ability to preach,

and know all the secrets and all the slogans,

and though I have sufficient faith to move a mountain,

but have no love,

I am nothing.

Even though I renounce all my possessions,

and give my body as a flaming sacrifice,

but have no love,

I accomplish exactly nothing.

Love is long-suffering and kind.

Love is not envious, nor does it strut and brag.

It does not act up, nor try to get things for itself.

It pitches no tantrums,

keeps no books on insults and injuries,

sees no fun in wickedness,

but rejoices when truth prevails.

Love is all-embracing, all-trusting,

all-hoping, all enduring.

Love never quits.

As for sermons, they shall be silenced;

as for oratory, it shall cease;

as for knowledge, it will vansh.

For our knowledge is immature, and our preaching is immature;

but when that which is mature arrives, it supersedes the immature.

For example, when I was a child, I was talking like a child,

thinking like a child, acting like a child,

but when I became an adult, I outgrew my childish ways.

So, on the childish level [i.e., without love] we look at one another in a trick mirror,

but on the adult level [i.e., with love] we see face to face;

as [one without love] I understand immaturely,

but as [one with love] I'll understand just as I'll be understood.

Now these three things endure: faith, hope and love,

but the greatest of all is love.

Seek diligently for love.

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