In our meditation this week, our attention turned to the path of Spiritual Warriorship and what it means to be men and women in today's world that are in search of self mastery in a world that seems very chaotic and challenging.
In our first meditation, we enjoyed the writings of Chogyam Trungpa, a Tibetan meditation teacher and founder of Shambhala Training and Shambhala International, an association of meditation centers. Chogyam Trungpa is no longer living, but his books and his meditation centers keep his legacy alive for many people.
Here are just some of the excerpts from his book, Shambhala, The Sacred Path of the Warrior that moved us deeply into contemplation and meditation:
"....Obviously letting go is more than just relaxation. It is relaxation based on being in tune with the environment, the world. One of the important principles of letting go is living in the challenge. But this does not mean living with a constant crisis....the setting sun version of letting go is to take a vacation or to get drunk and become wild and sloppy and do outrageous things that, in your right mind you would never contemplate. The Shambhala understanding is obviously quite different. For the warrior, letting go is not based on getting away from the constraints of ordinary life. It is quite the opposite. It is going further into your life, because you understand that your life, as it is, contains the means to unconditionally cheer you up and cure you of depression and doubt. "
Our second reading came from the words of Elizabeth Watson who's background and identity is unknown to us at this time:
"ONE THING the world needs now is people who can tolerate ambiguity, people who are challenged, not threatened by the state of the world. I want to suggest a few things such maturity might require. First, do not seek security in things, nor yet in status. The care of possessions and position is time-consuming and energy-consuming, and they can be taken from you by a thief in the night, by a fire in the night, by a change in political fortunes, by any numbers of disasters. Whatever security you have lies in yourself.....Henceforth I ask not for good fortune. I myself am good fortune......Second, don't rest in intellectual security for your philosophy and the knowledge on which it rests are likely to become obsolete. Wisdom is not amassing facts.....Third, the only real security in the end is the love we have given and the love we have received. All else can be taken from us. So pour out your love and friendship and do not hoard it....And don't delay or hesitate in standing up to be counted with the oppressed......Finally, cultivate the light touch. Develop a sense of humor. Learn to light up a room with joy when you enter.
Accept the challenge of our chaotic and dangerous world with a sense of adventure, of gratitude that our time is Now. "
Enjoy your week and be in the present now!
In our first meditation, we enjoyed the writings of Chogyam Trungpa, a Tibetan meditation teacher and founder of Shambhala Training and Shambhala International, an association of meditation centers. Chogyam Trungpa is no longer living, but his books and his meditation centers keep his legacy alive for many people.
Here are just some of the excerpts from his book, Shambhala, The Sacred Path of the Warrior that moved us deeply into contemplation and meditation:
"....Obviously letting go is more than just relaxation. It is relaxation based on being in tune with the environment, the world. One of the important principles of letting go is living in the challenge. But this does not mean living with a constant crisis....the setting sun version of letting go is to take a vacation or to get drunk and become wild and sloppy and do outrageous things that, in your right mind you would never contemplate. The Shambhala understanding is obviously quite different. For the warrior, letting go is not based on getting away from the constraints of ordinary life. It is quite the opposite. It is going further into your life, because you understand that your life, as it is, contains the means to unconditionally cheer you up and cure you of depression and doubt. "
Our second reading came from the words of Elizabeth Watson who's background and identity is unknown to us at this time:
"ONE THING the world needs now is people who can tolerate ambiguity, people who are challenged, not threatened by the state of the world. I want to suggest a few things such maturity might require. First, do not seek security in things, nor yet in status. The care of possessions and position is time-consuming and energy-consuming, and they can be taken from you by a thief in the night, by a fire in the night, by a change in political fortunes, by any numbers of disasters. Whatever security you have lies in yourself.....Henceforth I ask not for good fortune. I myself am good fortune......Second, don't rest in intellectual security for your philosophy and the knowledge on which it rests are likely to become obsolete. Wisdom is not amassing facts.....Third, the only real security in the end is the love we have given and the love we have received. All else can be taken from us. So pour out your love and friendship and do not hoard it....And don't delay or hesitate in standing up to be counted with the oppressed......Finally, cultivate the light touch. Develop a sense of humor. Learn to light up a room with joy when you enter.
Accept the challenge of our chaotic and dangerous world with a sense of adventure, of gratitude that our time is Now. "
Enjoy your week and be in the present now!
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