Sunday, December 2, 2012

Lotus Light Sangha - Silence Is

Our meditation this week transformed our ideas and beliefs about silence. 

We contemplated a teaching from Ramana Maharshi, an Indian sage. Ramana Maharshi shared his realization that silence is more than the absence of sound or movement. It is detaching from being led by thoughts and perceptions. True silence therefore is possible any time and in the midst of any worldly conditions if we enter it by mastering the mind. For me, this is a great relief since it seems overwhelming to try to quiet the world, but I can work from within myself to enter the realm of silence where true Self is present for the world. 

Ramana Maharshi, What causes resistance? 

...So this need to do, is this resistance? If you think that you have to breathe would that obstruct your natural breathing? Your breathing happens automatically. If you try to breathe, would you be disturbing your natural flow, rhythm of breathing? 

So rather than the need to do which is resistance, is it more necessary to be in tune with what is - with what is i.e., your thoughts, your feelings, your sensations, events in the world - to be aware of these without the need to do. To be aware of them, to be in tune with them, the changes each moment - to watch them. To be in tune means to watch them, not to obstruct them, not to think you have to do. 

So watch what is happening in your mind and the world. To watch neutrally as witness, without judgement, without prejudice. Would  this put you into the flow? And in this flow would actions happen through you just like your breathing, as natural as your breathing? So your actions in the world whether it is concerning your profession, your relationships, or any other sports, hobbies or activities. Whatever your actions, they would be as natural as your breathing - no effort, action but no effort, effortless action. 

So is this what we are practicing in silence? To watch your thoughts, not to be led by them. If you are led by them, then you are not watching them. To watch your feelings and imagination, to watch your sensations, not to be pulled away by these. Is this what we are practicing in silence? 

For if you practice this, if you watch your thoughts, they quiet down - your feeling and your imagination too...

So in silence, in deep silence where there is not a thought, you have dissolved into experience a Oneness...You have discovered your Self rather than the perception of yourself. So does the understanding come from silence?  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for sharing the experience of Ramana Maharshi. This is timely. I had an insight upon awakening one morning this week. I dreamt that I was sitting on a covered porch on a beautiful spring day. There was a gentle breeze that I could easily feel on my skin. Carried on that breeze, I noticed some flower petals, then a fragrance. I became aware of a bird playing in the sky, then beyond, clouds dancing. I realized all at once that the breeze was nothing but the carrier of all these things. Supporting all these things. Invisible, but always present. My Self was the same. Supporting thought always, but a silent awareness behind.
