On Good Friday we remember the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth.
The Cross that calls to memory that event has been used and abused as a symbol by many different persons and groups. Crusaders and conquerors, martyrs and missionaries. We've all known a loving Christian neighbor and Mark Twain's "a religious man in the worst sense of the word." I like to see that Cross as a sacred transmitter of Divine Love.
Those painted, wooden crosses you see along the highways, to me represent crosses-as-radio-antennae, antennae for both receiving and transmitting Divine Love in constant Flow, not unlike the Flow of energy from the Sun through all of Life. For just as all physical life depends on the Flow of energy in the Sun's light, all spiritual life and all love must flow from a Divine Source of Life and Love.
This is the Flow of energy that was demonstrated and taught by Jesus, as he showed us Universal Truth, and wonderful blossoms of being and caring. How did he demonstrate that Flow of energy? He healed, he forgave, and he gave without limit. I think this is why Neem Caroli Baba always wept at the name of Jesus.
I want to talk about that Flow of energy Jesus lived as the True Way of Life. Love always flows. Forgiveness flows. Healing flows. Our gifts flow when we stop owning them, and they us. Gratitude and Praise Flow into Joy and fullness of Life. Love always Flows.
Forgiveness always Flows. Jesus says, Forgive us our human failings and limitations, as we forgive others theirs. Let forgiveness Flow in our lives. We start by forgiving ourselves and others, and we experience a new wholeness. Whether others forgive us is partly our task, and partly theirs. We can leave the rest to Grace.
Healing Flows. Repeatedly when Jesus healed someone he said, "Your faith has healed you." But in some towns, it is written, "he couldn't heal many there due to their lack of faith." Faith opens the channels for healing to Flow. People are taught how to give Reiki; maybe we need to learn how to receive it. How essential is faith to healing? I have on occasion said to a patient, "Even Jesus couldn't heal people who didn't have faith in him." Do we limit the gift of healing we might be receiving? Do we limit the healing we might be giving that comes from an endless Source?
And finally, Giving Flows. "Freely have ye received; freely give." "I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly." "Sell all you have and give it to the poor, and follow me."
Our gifts are many: our time, our talents, our wealth, our health…(fill in the blank) are all gifts. There is a Flow of giving and receiving like the Flow of Nature's great water cycle powered by the Sun. Our gifts Flow in, received from above, and Flow through us and outward toward our fellow creatures and all creation. And when individuals, each in our own honest ways, share this in community, this Flow of giving and receiving faith and healing, love and forgiveness, good things happen: creativity, healing, joy, affection, friendship, music, helping one another up with a tender hand…, all the good things we have shared here in community.
Love always Flows. There is no stopping it anymore than you could stop the Susquehanna River at flood stage. It Flows from an Infinite Source. We can choose to welcome and embrace its Flowing within us, and through us, and among us. We can do it right now. We can do it every day, if only for a few moments or hours. We do it with each other.
It's all giving and receiving. It's a faith that can heal us. It's in forgiving ourselves and each other that our errors are redeemed by grace, and are transformed into lessons for awakening happening in those intersecting dimensions of the Flow of Divine Love that Jesus shows and teaches:
Love & Forgiveness, Faith & Healing, Giving & Receiving. And when that starts happening among us, He is risen! He is risen indeed!
So now in inner silence, let us feel our way to the heart of this flow of Divine Love in our lives right here, right now, and let it flow within and between our hearts.
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